
Self Assessment Essay

Maira Rana

Self Assessment Essay

I am pleased to say that I have achieved the course goals listed in this syllabus for ENGL 21002.

One of my main course goals was to improve editing skills using principles of grammar, punctuation, and unique styles of mechanics and usage of the English language. I have worked hard to hone these skills and feel confident in my ability to catch and correct errors in my own writing, as well as in the writing of others. I have also learned how to use various editing tools, such as grammar checkers and style guides, to ensure that my writing is clear and error-free. Another course goal listed in the syllabus was to develop an eye for a variety of rhetorical strategies and integrate that knowledge into my writing. I have spent time studying the different strategies that writers use to persuade, inform, or entertain their readers, and I have learned how to effectively use these strategies in my own writing. I have also learned how to analyze the rhetorical strategies used by other writers and evaluate their effectiveness.

I have also made great progress in my ability to read for main points while documenting information from text, books, libraries, film, and the internet. I have learned how to identify the key points in a piece of writing and to summarize them in my own words. Finally, I have learned and applied the major steps in the writing process to my own writing. I have learned how to brainstorm and prewrite, how to organize my ideas into a clear and logical structure, how to write a rough draft, how to revise and edit, and how to produce a final draft. I have also learned how to effectively revise and edit my own writing, as well as the writing of others.

I have achieved the goal of being able to respond thoughtfully in writing to published and peer essays and to recognize the features of a writer’s style and organization. One way I have achieved this goal is by actively reading and analyzing a wide range of published and peer essays. This has allowed me to become familiar with the various writing styles and organizational structures that different authors use. I have learned to identify the key points, arguments, and evidence that writers present and to evaluate the effectiveness of their writing. I have also learned to respond thoughtfully to these essays by considering the main points and arguments presented and offering my own insights and critiques. This has required me to carefully consider the content of the essays and to form my own opinions and arguments based on the evidence provided.

In addition to responding to published and peer essays, I have also learned to recognize and appreciate the various features of a writer’s style and organization. I have learned to identify the tone, voice, and language that writers use to convey their ideas and to understand how these elements contribute to the overall effectiveness of their writing

Overall, I am pleased with my progress in the course and the progress I have made in achieving these goals and feel confident in my writing skills. I am eager to continue learning and improving as a writer in the future. Thank you Professor Nivens. 

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